Techniques used to distinguish between individuals of the same species using only samples of their DNA.
Examples for "dna profiling "
Examples for "dna profiling "
1 DNA profiling using relatives' hair samples are being used to identify the bodies.
2 Together we removed bone for possible use in DNA profiling .
3 International expert in forensic DNA profiling , who chairs the International Society Of Forensic Genetics DNA Commission.
4 So when I sent a femoral sample off for DNA profiling , I requested an amelogenin test.
5 The highest-profile criminal case in which DNA profiling was used was the Miss X case in 1993.
1 Several studies already proved that femora and teeth have high DNA typing success rates.
2 The Russian team used the British Forensic Science Service to do its DNA typing .
3 This assay replaces labour-intensive conventional gel-based DNA typing and has a higher allelic resolution than serology.
4 This study dispels some of the concerns regarding the applicability of DNA typing data for forensic use.
5 However, validation of this identification is essential and should be done by DNA typing of living relatives.
1 If Sherlock Holmes were working today, he would be adept at genetic fingerprinting .
2 Or you can do genetic fingerprinting on them.
3 The answer could lie in genetic fingerprinting .
4 This provides "pasture to plate" traceability for raw or cooked meats using the equivalent of genetic fingerprinting .
5 DNA finprinting of fish is similar to genetic fingerprinting of people, for medical tests or in forensics at crime scenes.
1 Viral DNA testing by PCR method is the only reliable method available.
2 Since then, forensic DNA testing has put millions of criminals behind bars.
3 I did not mention the samples I'd sent off for DNA testing .
4 Fecal DNA testing promises to improve the performance characteristics of stool testing.
5 The semen samples have been sent over to Schroeder for DNA testing .
6 The diagnosis of neurocysticercosis was made after the tissue underwent DNA testing .
7 DNA testing would be used to confirm that parents and children are related.
8 As new genes and common mutations are identified, DNA testing can be offered.
9 I wanted it treated as a single case for DNA testing .
10 Precision medicine relies on an advanced DNA testing process known as next-generation sequencing.
11 DNA testing still needs to be done to confirm the find.
12 The girlfriends of the two men are helping with DNA testing , he said.
13 Molar teeth extracted from skulls have been sent to France for DNA testing .
14 Genealogical DNA testing can tell us about precisely two of them.
15 By then doing DNA testing on relatives, police can ferret out their suspect.
16 And I don't understand, why are we bothering with DNA testing ?
Other examples for "dna testing"
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